A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z
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Jason Brant
- Office: 408 Cancer & Genetics Research Complex
- Email: jobrant@ufl.edu
- Interests: Molecular biology, regeneration and epigenetics
- Host: Malcolm Maden
- Web: Jason on Linkedin (opens in new tab)

Karly Cohen
- Office: —
- Email: karlycohen@ufl.edu
- Interests: Using conserved genetic networks to derive target biomechanical experiments investigating the evolution of teeth in vertebrates.
- Host: Gareth Fraser
- Web: Karly Cohen (opens in new tab)
Emily Durkin
- Office: 619 Carr Hall
- Email: edurkin@ufl.edu
- Interests: Evolutionary ecology of host-parasite interactions, behavioral ecology, disease ecology, invertebrate biology.
- Host: Nick Keiser (opens in new tab)
- Link: Emily Durkin (opens in new tab)
Lorena Endara
- Office: 218 Carr Hall
- Email: clendara@ufl.edu
- Interests: Diversification of Andean Orchids, Character evolution and morphological datasets
- Host: John Burleigh
- Link: LORENA ENDARA’S ORCHID PROJECTS (opens in new tab)

Friederike G. Engel
- Office: 620 Bartram Hall
- Email: fg.engel@ufl.edu
- Interests: Metacommunity ecology, climate change ecology, aquatic ecology
- Host: Matthew Leibold
- Link:

Andrea Gonzalez
- Office: 417 Bartram Hall
- Email: andrea.gonzale@ufl.edu (opens in new tab)
- Interests: insect-parasite interactions, disease ecology, experimental evolution and population genetics
- Host: Marta L. Wayne (opens in new tab)

David Kikuchi
- Office: 110c Bartram Hall
- Email: dwkikuchi@gmail.com
- Interests: Behavioral and evolutionary ecology, mechanisms that maintain behavioral variability within populations (e.g. competition, social learning), the structure of Neotropical bird communities, and the diversity of antipredator defenses.
- Host: Robert Holt (opens in new tab)
Nicholas Kortessis
- Office: 110 Bartram Hal
- Email: n.kortessis@ufl.edu
- Interests: Evolutionary ecology, list-history evolution, host-pathogen interactions, ecology of spatially and temporally variable environments, species coexistence mechanisms
- Host: Robert Holt (opens in new tab)
- Link: Nicholas Kortessis (opens in new tab)
Bethan Linscott
Pronouns: she/her
- Email: Bethan.linscott@ufl.edu
- Interests: Palaeoecology, conservation, human evolution, radiometric dating, life history reconstruction through isotopic analysis

Daniel Paluh
Pronouns: he/him
Pronouns: he/him
- Office: Carr 509/ Fraser Lab
- Email: dpaluh@ufl.edu
- Interests: Evolution, development, morphology, amphibians
- Host: Gareth Fraser
- Link: Daniel Paluh
Alejandro Pietrek
- Office: Carr Hall
- Email: @ufl.edu
- Interests: Invasion biology, ecology, spatial modeling
- Host: Todd Palmer (opens in new tab)
Chathurani Ranathunge
- Office: 220 Carr Hall
- Email: chathuraranathun@ufl.edu
- Interests: Rapid adaptation, population genetics, plant evolutionary biology, genomics
- Host: Stuart McDaniel (opens in new tab)
- Link: Chathurani Ranathunge (opens in new tab)
Miao Sun
Received M.S. in 2009 and Ph.D. in 2014 from Chinese Academy of Sciences
Received M.S. in 2009 and Ph.D. in 2014 from Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Office: Florida Museum of Natural History
- Phone: (352) 284-0928
- Email: cactus@ufl.edu
- Interests: Tree of Life – Open project
- Hosts: Pam Soltis (opens in new tab), Doug Soltis (opens in new tab)
- Link: Miao Sun on ResearchGate (opens in new tab)
Weston Testo
- Office: 521 Bartram Hall
- Email: wtesto@ufl.edu
- Interests: Macroevolution, biogeography, evolution of ferns and lycophytes, Neotropics.
- Hosts: Emily Sessa (opens in new tab)
- Link: Weston Testo (opens in new tab)
María Torres-Sánchez
- Office: 421 Carr Hall
- Email: mtorressanchez@ufl.edu
- Interests: Conservation, ecology and evolution, genomics, herpetology, transcriptomics.
- Hosts: Ana Longo
- Link: María Torres-Sánchez (opens in new tab)
Luke Trimmer-Smith
Received PhD in 2019 from UF Biology
Received PhD in 2019 from UF Biology
- Office:
- Phone:
- Email: trimmersmith@ufl.edu
- Interests: Infectious disease research and population biology
- Hosts: Marta Wayne, Derek Cummings (opens in new tab) (current – Emerging Pathogen Institute)
Michaela Woods
- Email: woods.mj@ufl.edu
- Interests: Ecosystem ecology, community ecology, nutrient cycling, forest dynamics
- Host: Jeremy Lichstein (opens in new tab)
- Link: Google Scholar Search for Michaela Woods (opens in new tab)
Cheng-Wei “Mike” Wu
- Office: 320 Bartram Hall
- Email: cwwu05@ufl.edu
- Interests: Oxidative stress and aging
- Host: Keith Choe
- Link: Google Scholar Search for Cheng-Wei Wu (opens in new tab)
Tong Zhang
- Office: Cancer & Genetics Research Complex
- Email: tongzhang@ufl.edu
- Interests: _
- Host: Sixue Chen (opens in new tab)