A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z – Alumni
If you are a new or current Biology graduate student, please submit your updated information HERE.
Click a year number below to download a PDF thumbnail sheet of that year’s cohort.
2017 (opens in new tab) – 2016 (opens in new tab) – 2015 (opens in new tab) – 2014 (opens in new tab) – 2013 (opens in new tab) – 2012 (opens in new tab) – 2011 (opens in new tab)
Ariadna Arnau
Pronouns: She/Her
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Pronouns: She/Her
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: Carr 614
- Email: ariadna.arnau@ufl.edu
- Interests: Ariadna is a marine biologist interested in ecology, behavior and conservation of sea turtles. She earned M.S. in Animal Biodiversity and Conservation (University of Barcelona) and Marine and Coastal Systems (University of Algarve). As a passionate field biologist, she has also worked for nonprofit organizations since 2009, contributing to the conservation of sea turtles over multiple nesting season in Cape Verde, Costa Rica, Ghana and U.S. Ariadna’s research interests include understanding the extrinsic and intrinsic factors that influence sea turtle’s breeding strategies (capital or income) by using stable isotopes as well as their reproductive energy budgets.
- Advisors: Dr. Karen Bjorndal & Dr. Hannah Vander Zanden
Shambadeb Basu
Pronouns: He/Him
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Pronouns: He/Him
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: Carr 609
- Email: s.basu@ufl.edu
- Interests: Conservation genetics for understanding population distributions of wild species, Landscape ecology, metagenomics, understanding techniques and characteristics of whole genome sequencing, studying microbiome diversity in endemic species of wildlife
- Advisor: Charles Baer (opens in new tab)
- Website: Shambadeb Basu
Anna Becker
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: _
- Email: becker.a@ufl.edu
- Interests: Botany, plant evolution, systematics, taxonomy, phylogenetics. Evolution of endemic Hawaiian Vaccinium (blueberries): origin and dispersal, subsequent speciation and population movement in diverse biogeographical conditions, examining conditions under which plants have adapted to extreme change rapidly. I am curious to compare morphological and ecological patterns of diversification to a molecular phylogeny of this group, hoping to reveal genetic relationships to local adaptions, exposing drivers of evolution.
- Advisor: Nico Cellinese (opens in new tab)
Joshua Benjamin
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: _
- Email: joshua.benjamin@ufl.edu
- Interests: Macroinvertebrates taxonomy and ecology, Fish ecology, heavy metal concentration, aquatic Food web ecology, Climate Change, Biodiversity Conservation and Community ecology.
- Advisor: Amanda Subalusky (opens in new tab)
Tyler Bowling
Pronouns: he/him/his
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: 517 Carr Hall
- Email: tbowling2@ufl.edu
- Interests: Modeling shark movement and behavior in relation to bites on humans and environmental changes
- Advisor: Amanda Subalusky (opens in new tab) & Hannah Vander Zanden (opens in new tab)
- Link: Florida Program for Shark Research
Alicia Boyd
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: _
- Email: aliciaboyd@ufl.edu
- Interests: Regeneration, Genomics, and Developmental Biology
- Advisor: Elaine Seaver (opens in new tab)
Pratush Brahma
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: _
- Email: pratush.brahma@ufl.edu
- Interests: Evolution, sexual and natural selection
- Advisor: Colette St. Mary (opens in new tab)
Steven Byrum
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: FMNH · Dickinson Hall
- Email: s.byrum@ufl.edu
- Interests: Chondrichthyan evolutionary developmental biology and paleontology
- Advisor: Gavin Naylor (opens in new tab)
Renato Saragoça Bruno
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: Carr 614
- Email: rsaragocabruno@ufl.edu
- Interests: Sea turtle ecology and physiology and conservation biology
- Advisor: Karen Bjorndal & Alan Bruce Bolten
Brittaney Buchanan
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office:
- Email: bbuchanan1@ufl.edu
- Interests: behavioral ecology, conservation behavior, evolution of behavior and coloration, phylogenetics, conservation genetics, wildlife biology and management, ornithology
- Advisor: Rebecca Kimball (opens in new tab)
Steve Cassidy
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office:
- Email: stevencassidy@ufl.edu
- Interests: Behavioral Ecology, Disease Ecology, and Community Ecology
- Advisor: Nick Keiser (opens in new tab)

Scott Cinel
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Pronouns: he/him
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Pronouns: he/him
- Office: 617 Bartram Hall / Kawahara Lab
- Email: cinel1@ufl.edu
- Interests: Predator-prey ecology, stress neurophysiology, insect behavior, sensory ecology – hearing, bat-moth interactions
- Advisor: Akito Kawahara (opens in new tab)
- Link: Scott D. Cinel | Graduate Student (opens in new tab)
Galen Cobb
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: 420 Bartram Hall
- Email: gcobb@ufl.edu
- Interests: Ecological genomics, Evolutionary genetics
- Advisor: Marta Wayne
Lisa Coe
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Pronouns: she/they
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Pronouns: she/they
- Office: Cancer & Genetics Research Complex – Rm 415
- Email: lcoe@ufl.edu
- Interests: microbial physiology, symbiosis, cross-kingdom interaction, molecular genetics, science identity, science education
- Advisor: Bryndan Durham (opens in new tab)
- Link: Lisa Coe (opens in new tab)
Zuania Colón-Piñeiro
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: 412 Carr Hall
- Email: colonpineiro.z@ufl.edu
- Interests: Ecology, Developmental biology, Disease ecology, Herpetology
- Advisor: Ana Longo (opens in new tab)
Nerine Constant
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: 614 Carr Hall
- Email: nconstant@ufl.edu
- Interests: Marine ecology, sea turtle biology and conservation, habitat use and foraging ecology of sea turtles, dynamics and sustainability of green turtle grazing in seagrass ecosystems, geospatial analysis, ecosystem-based management
- Advisor: Karen Bjorndal (opens in new tab)
- Link: Nerine Constant
Maria Beatriz de Souza Cortez
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: FMNH · Dickinson Hall
- Email: mariacortez@ufl.edu
- Interests: Population genetics, phylogenetics and phylogeography
- Advisor: Pam Soltis (opens in new tab)
Brittany Cummings
Degree Program: Ph.D
Degree Program: Ph.D
- Office: _
- Email: bcummings@ufl.edu
- Interests: _
- Advisor: Gustav Paulay (opens in new tab)
Kate Davis
Pronouns: she/her
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Pronouns: she/her
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: Carr 318
- Email: ka.davis@ufl.edu
- Interests: Kate is interested in shifts in ecological ripple effects due to human impact with a special interest in selection pressure caused by invasive species. She received a Bachelors in Zoology and Masters in Ethology at Auburn University, assisting with research in New Mexico, South Carolina, and Eswatini. Before coming to UF, she was an educational Zoologist with The Conservancy of Southwest Florida and The Birmingham Zoo, leading and developing classes, programs, and discussions for the general public about the natural world and conservation
- Advisor: Hannah Vander Zanden
Wesley Dillard
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office:
- Email: wdillard@ufl.edu
- Interests: Evolution, Genetics, Vertebrate Morphology
- Advisor: Gareth Fraser (opens in new tab)
Josh Doby
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: FMNH – Dickinson Hall
- Email: joshuadoby@ufl.edu
- Interests: Systematics, Biogeography, Phylogenetics, Evolution, Vertebrate Paleontology
- Advisor: Robert Guralnick (opens in new tab)
Kaushayla Elgiriyewithana
Pronouns: she/her
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: 402 Cancer & Genetics Research Complex
- Email: elgiriyewithanak@ufl.edu
- Interests: Bioinformatics and Genetics
- Advisor: William (Brad) Barbazuk
Ogonna Eli
Degree Program: MSc
- Office: 310 Bartram
- Email: ogonna.eli@ufl.edu
- Interests: Plant Anatomy and Ecophysiology
- Advisor: Grace John (opens in new tab)
Carolyn Enloe
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: _
- Email: enloecm@ufl.edu
- Interests: Conservation genomics, assessment of population structure and geographic variation in Seaside sparrows, avian ecology and conservation, wetland ecology
- Advisor: Rebecca Kimball (opens in new tab)
Izuchukwu Ezukanma
Degree Program: Ph.D
Degree Program: Ph.D
- Office: 616 Bartram Hall
- Email: iezukanma@ufl.edu
- Interests: Bryophyte Ecology
- Advisor: Stuart McDaniel (opens in new tab)
Katie Feerst
Pronouns: she/they
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office:
- Email: kathrynfeerst@ufl.edu
- Interests: Evolution of early development in polychaetes and, more broadly, in spiralians
- Advisor: Elaine Seaver (opens in new tab)
Adania Flemming
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office:
- Email: aflemming@ufl.edu
- Interests: The ecology of fishes, their role and niche in the environment, their life history as well as understanding how form relates to function
- Advisor: David Blackburn (opens in new tab)
Nicholas Gardner
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: FMNH – Dickinson Hall
- Email: n.gardner@ufl.edu
- Interests: Ornithology, behavioral ecology, acoustic monitoring
- Advisor: Scott Robinson (opens in new tab) & Robert Guralnick (opens in new tab)
Claudia Juliana Garnica Díaz
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: BAR 310
- Email: claudia.garnicad@ufl.edu
- Interests: Plant anatomy, functional ecology, tropical ecosystems, serpentine soil
- Advisor: Grace John (opens in new tab)
Michelle Gaynor
Pronouns: she/her
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: FMNH – Dickinson Hall
- Email: michellegaynor@ufl.edu
- Interests: Botany, evolutionary biology, and polyploidy
- Advisor: Pam Soltis (opens in new tab)
George Glen
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: 614 Carr Hall
- Email: george.glen@ufl.edu
- Interests: Sea turtle foraging ecology, reproductive biology and population dynamics
- Advisor: Karen Bjorndal
Erin Grady
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Degree Program: M.S.
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Degree Program: M.S.
- Office: FMNH – Dickinson Hall
- Email: gradyerin@ufl.edu
- Interests: Botany, Phenology, Urban Ecology, Community (Citizen) Science, Science Education.
- Advisor: Robert Guralnick (opens in new tab)
Lucas Guttieres
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: Whitney Lab for Marine Bioscience – St. Augustine
- Email: lguttieres@whitney.ufl.edu
- Interests: Marine biology, Embryology, evolutionary biology, β-catenin functions in early branching animal phyla.
- Advisor: Mark Martindale (opens in new tab)
Ashley Hamersma
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office:
- Email: ahamersma@ufl.edu
- Interests: Paleobotany, ecology, ethnobotany
- Advisor: Steven Manchester (opens in new tab)
Arik Hartmann
Pronouns: he/him/his
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: 421 Carr Hall
- Email: arikhartmann@ufl.edu
- Interests: Herpetology, Disease Ecology, Conservation Biology
- Advisor: Ana Longo (opens in new tab)
Lillian Hendrick
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office:
- Email: lhendrick@ufl.edu
- Interests: Lepidopteran evolution and conservation
- Advisor: Akito Kawahara (opens in new tab)
Dawson Houghtaling
Pronouns: He/Him
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office:
- Email: dhoughtaling@ufl.edu
- Interests: Lepidopteran evolution and conservation
- Advisor: Chris Dutton (opens in new tab)
Aditi Jayarajan
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: FMNH · Dickinson Hall
- Email: aditij@ufl.edu
- Interests: Population genetics, biogeography and evolutionary biology
- Advisor: David Reed (opens in new tab)
Sarah Johnson
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office:
- Email: johnson.s@ufl.edu
- Interests: Impacts of mammals on community dynamics and ecosystem functions, specifically carcass decomposition
- Advisor: Amanda Subalusky (opens in new tab) & Todd Palmer
Rebecca Key
Pronouns: she/her
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: Cancer & Genetics Research Complex – Rm 415
- Email: rebeccakey@ufl.edu
- Interests: Biochemical genetics, microbial ecology, phycology, bryology
- Advisor: Bryndan Durham (opens in new tab) & Stuart McDaniel (opens in new tab)
Lungelo Khanyile
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Pronouns: He/Him
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Pronouns: He/Him
- Office: 110 Bartram Hall
- Email: khanyilelungelo@ufl.edu
- Interests: Phylogenomics, Biodiversity, Evolutionary Biology, Bioinformatics
- Advisor: Nico Cellinese (opens in new tab)
- Website: Cellinese Lab (opens in new tab)
Sikander Khare
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: 110 Bartram Hall
- Email: s.khare@ufl.edu
- Interests: Community ecology, ecosystem ecology, ecological forecasting
- Advisor: Robert Holt (opens in new tab)
Travis Klee
Pronouns: he/him
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: 611 Bartram Hall
- Email: tklee@ufl.edu
- Interests: Behavioral Ecology, Evolution, and the influence of Predator-Prey Interactions in fishes
- Advisor: Colette St. Mary (opens in new tab)
Shelby Krupar
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office:
- Email: skrupar@ufl.edu
- Interests: Florida native epiphytes, evolutionary biology, and climate change
- Advisor: Nico Cellinese (opens in new tab)
Lauren Kunselman
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office:
- Email: lkunselman@ufl.edu
- Interests: Neurobiology, Developmental Biology, Regeneration, and Marine Biology
- Advisor: Elaine Seaver (opens in new tab)
Sarah Kurtis
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: 318 Carr Hall
- Email: sarahkurtis@ufl.edu
- Interests: Ecology and evolution of avian plumage coloration, molecular phylogenetics, and population genetics
- Advisor: Rebecca Kimball (opens in new tab)
Ashley Meade Kusel
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office:
- Email: ashleymeade@ufl.edu
- Interests: Foraging ecology of sea turtles, landscape ecology, and coastal ecosystems
- Advisor: Karen Bjorndal
Aileen Lavelle
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: Carr 421
- Email: aileenlavelle@ufl.edu
- Interests: Aileen is interested in sea turtle movement ecology and conservation management. She focuses on using statistical and geospatial modeling to assess the most critical in-water threats to U.S. loggerhead sea turtle populations. She aims to understand the intricate balance between sea turtle habitat utilization and recreational human activities within coastal ecosystems.
- Website: https://people.clas.ufl.edu/hvz/ (opens in new tab)
Szu-Hsuan Lee
Degree Program: M.Sc.
Degree Program: M.Sc.
- Office:
- Email: sz.lee@ufl.edu
- Interests: Evolutionary Biology, systematics, population genetics, sex determination and reproductive modes of sharks
- Advisor: Gavin Naylor (opens in new tab)
Qinyin Ling
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: Cancer & Genetics Research Complex
- Email: lingqinyin@ufl.edu
- Interests: Alternative splicing, comparative genomics, phylogenomics
- Advisor: William (Brad) Barbazuk
Pamod Heshan Liyanagedara
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office:Florida Museum of Natural History
- Email: ph.liyanagedara@ufl.edu
- Interests: Invertebrate paleontology, Conservation Paleobiology, Paleoecology, Ecology
- Advisor: Michal Kowalewski
- Link to Lab Website: https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/kowalewski-lab/

Yuanming Lu
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: 110 Bartram Hall
- Email: yuanming.lu@ufl.edu
- Interests: Theoretical Ecology, Invasive Species
- Advisor: Robert D. Holt
Laurel Meke
Pronouns: she/her/hers or they/them/theirs
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: 415 Cancer & Genetics Research Complex
- Email: lmeke@ufl.edu
- Interests: Metabolomics, Phycology, Bacteriology, Marine Microbiology/Ecology, Marine Microbial Metabolic Pathways, Marine Microbial Interactions through Secondary Metabolites.
- Advisor: Bryndan Durham
Oscar Mendez
Degree Program: M.S.
Degree Program: M.S.
- Office: FMNH · Dickinson Hall 208
- Email: omendez1@ufl.edu
- Interests: Archosaurian evolution, functional morphology, paleobiology, and paleobiogeography
- Advisor: Jonathan I. Bloch (opens in new tab)
Dorothy Mitchell
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: _
- Email: dorothy.mitchell@ufl.edu
- Interests: _
- Advisor: Mark Martindale (opens in new tab)
Anna Mohr
Degree Program: M.S.
Degree Program: M.S.
- Office: 517A Bartram Hall
- Email: amohr@ufl.edu
- Interests: Genetics, phylogenetics, animal behavior, and evolution (behavioral genetics, evolutionary genetics). Feminist and queer approaches to evolutionary biology, bioethics, history of eugenics, decolonization of science, science communication, history and philosophy of science, promoting diversity in science.
- Advisor: Edward Braun (opens in new tab)
Luis Montalvo
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: FMNH · Dickinson Hall
- Email: ldmontalvo@ufl.edu
- Interests: Community ecology, avian ecology, landscape ecology
- Advisor: Scott Robinson (opens in new tab)
Sean Moran
Pronouns: he/him/his
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: FMNH · Dickinson Hall
- Email: smmoran@ufl.edu
- Interests: Vertebrate paleontology, mammalian evolution, stable isotope paleoecology
- Advisor: Bruce MacFadden (opens in new tab)
Thomas Murphy
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office:
- Email:
- Interests: Plant systematics, species delimitation, hybridization, and biogeography. Current groups of interest include Amorpheae (Fabaceae) and Clematis (Ranunculaceae).
- Advisor: Lucas Majure (opens in new tab)
Rachel Narducci
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: FMNH · Dickinson Hall
- Email: renarducci@ufl.edu
- Interests: Evolution, ecology, and functional morphology of armadillos and their closest relatives, with an emphasis on fossil taxa
- Advisor: Jonathan Bloch (opens in new tab)
Francisco Nares
Pronouns: he/him
Degree Program: Ph.D
Pronouns: he/him
Degree Program: Ph.D
- Office: FMNH – 210 Dickinson Hall
- Email: fnares@ufl.edu
- Interests: Paleobotany, paleoclimate, and paleoecology of the Pacific Northwest
- Advisor: Steven Manchester (opens in new tab)
Julian Correa Narvaez
Degree Program: Ph.D
- Office:
- Email: j.correanarvaez@ufl.edu
- Interests:
- Advisor: Steven Manchester (opens in new tab)
Nick Newell
Degree Program: M.S.
Degree Program: M.S.
- Office: 511 Carr Hall
- Email: nicholas.newell@ufl.edu
- Interests: Evolution, genetics, behavior and aging in social insects
- Advisor: Hua Yan

Ella Francesca Nicklin
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office:
- Email: e.nicklin@ufl.edu
- Interests:
- Advisor:
Christopher Nolte
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office:
- Email: c.nolte@ufl.edu
- Interests: Conservation biology, stable isotope ecology, and epibiont communities of sea turtles
- Advisor: Hannah Vander Zanden (opens in new tab)
Selby Olson
Pronouns: she/her
Pronouns: she/her
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: 201E Dickenson Hall
- Email: olsonse@ufl.edu
- Interests: Vertebrate Paleontology, Functional Morphology, Mammal Evolution
- Advisor: Jonathan Bloch
Shelby Palmer
Pronouns: she/her
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: BAR 520
- Email: shelbypalmer@ufl.edu
- Interests: signal evolution, speciation, phylogenetics, bioacoustics, animal behavior, birds
- Advisor: Rebecca Kimball
Emeline Pano
Pronouns: she/her
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Email: e.pano@ufl.edu
- Interests: evolutionary biology, phylogeography, genetic diversity, polyploidy
- Advisor: Nico Cellinese
Jessie Pelosi
Pronouns: he/him/his
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: 521 Bartram Hall
- Email: jessiepelosi@ufl.edu
- Interests: Gene flow, population genomics, and plant evolution
- Advisor: Emily Sessa (opens in new tab) / Brad Barbazuk
Kasey Pham
Pronouns: they/them/theirs
Degree Program: Ph.D
Degree Program: Ph.D
- Office:
- Email: kasey.pham@ufl.edu
- Interests: Plant hybridization genomics, bioinformatics, science art and communication
- Advisor: Doug Soltis (opens in new tab)
Bharti Parihar
Pronouns: she/her
Degree Program: Ph.D
Degree Program: Ph.D
- Office: Laboratory of Systematics & Evolutionary Genetics located within Dickinson Hall
- Email: bharti.parihar@ufl.edu
- Interests: Evo-Devo; Systematics; Phylogenomics & Phylogenetics; Evolutionary Biology/Trait Evolution. Current area of study is the evolution of leaf succulence using Zygophyllaceae as a model system.
- Advisor: Doug Soltis (opens in new tab)
Yuley Encarnación Piñeyro
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: FMNH · 379 Dickinson Hall
- Email: yuleyencarnacion@ufl.edu
- Interests: Cactus family, systematics, biogeography, phylogenetics, evolution, conservation and plant diversity in the West Indies
- Advisor: Lucas Majure (opens in new tab)
Arod Polanco
Pronouns: He/Him
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: 359 Dickinson Hall
- Email: arodpolanco@ufl.edu
- Interests: Evolutionary Biology, Pleistocene Megafauna, Vertebrate Paleontology
- Advisor: Robert Guralnick
Md Monjurul Islam Rifat
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: 621 Bartram Hall
- Email: m.rifat@ufl.edu
- Interests: Population Genetics, Quantitative Genetics
- Advisor: Charles Baer (opens in new tab)
Maria J. Roman
Pronouns: she/her
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Pronouns: she/her
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: 217 Carr Hall
- Email: mromanayo@ufl.edu
- Interests: Tecophilaeaceae family, evolutionary biology, systematics, taxonomy, biogeography, phylogenetics, morphology, and plant conservation
- Advisor: John (Gordon) Burleigh
Fabian Romero
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: Laboratory of Molecular Systematics & Evolutionary Genetics
- Email: fromerosoto@ufl.edu
- Interests: Taxonomy, Biogeography, Phylogenetics, Plant Systematics, Evolutionary biology, Ecological Conservation and Restoration on riparian zones. Current group of interest include Dioscorea (Dioscoreaceae/Monocots)
- Advisor: Pamela Soltis
Shagun Sabharwal
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: 521 Bartram
- Email: shagun.sabharwal@ufl.edu
- Interests: Neural circuits, Feeding regulation
- Advisor: Zepeng Yao
- Website: The Yao Lab (opens in new tab)
Arindam Sarkar
Pronouns: he/him/his
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: 122 Bartram
- Email: arindam.sarkar@ufl.edu
- Interests:I have a keen interest in the field of systems & synthetic biology, particularly to investigate current predictive tools and novel machine learning-based approaches that aid towards increasing robustness, evolvability and modularity of synthetic gene circuits for biotechnological applications, whilst studying fundamental questions in evolution of gene regulatory networks and population genetics
- Advisor: Juannan Zhou
Jacob Scott
Pronouns: he/him
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office:
- Email: ja.scott@ufl.edu
- Interests: Developmental and genomic evolution of digit loss in horses, evolution of cephalapod limb development
- Advisor: Martin Cohn

Palash Sethi
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office:
- Email: palash.sethi@ufl.edu
- Interests: Genotype-phenotype maps; Machine learning; Large Language Models
- Advisor: Juannan Zhou
- Website: Palash Sethi
Neeka Sewnath
Degree Program: M.S.
Degree Program: M.S.
- Office:
- Email: nsewnath@ufl.edu
- Interests: Bioinformatics, Genomics, Phylogenetics
- Advisor: Robert Guralnick (opens in new tab)
Kayli Sieber
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: 511 Carr Hall
- Email: kayli.sieber@ufl.edu
- Interests: I am primarily interested in olfactory development and plasticity in eusocial insects and the impacts of aberrant chemosensory development on social behavior.
- Advisor: Hua Yan
Chelsea Skojec
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: FMNH · McGuire Center for Lepidoptera & Biodiversity
- Email: chelseaskoj@ufl.edu
- Interests: Insect behavior, phylogenetics, evolution of anti-predatory defenses
- Advisor: Akito Kawahara (opens in new tab)
Annika Smith
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: FLMNH · Dickinson Hall
- Email: annikals@ufl.edu
- Interests: Floral evolution
- Advisor: Pamela Soltis (opens in new tab), Doug Soltis (opens in new tab)
Luis Soto
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: Florida Museum of Natural History
- Email: lso2010@ufl.edu
- Interests: Systematics and Paleobiology
- Advisor: Colette St. Mary (opens in new tab) & Robert Guralnick (opens in new tab)
Bailey Steinworth
Degree Program: Ph.D
Degree Program: Ph.D
- Office: Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience · St. Augustine, FL
- Email: bsteinworth@ufl.edu
- Interests: Development and evolution of cnidarians
- Advisor: Mark Martindale (opens in new tab)
Sarah Ellen Strickland
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: FLMNH – Dickinson Hall
- Email: se.strickland@ufl.edu
- Interests: Polyploidy, plant evolution, phylogenetics
- Advisor: Pam and Doug Soltis (opens in new tab)
Kara Taylor
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office:
- Email: k.taylor2@ufl.edu
- Interests: Microbiomes (host-associated and free-living), microbial metacommunities, community ecology, and macroecologoy
- Advisor: Mathew Leibold (opens in new tab)
Abigail Uehling
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: _
- Email: auehling@ufl.edu
- Interests: Biogeography and diversity of marine invertebrates
- Advisor: Gustav Paulay (opens in new tab)
Maria C. Vallejo-Pareja
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: Florida Muesum of Natural History. Dickinson Hall
- Email: maria.vallejo@ufl.edu
- Interests: Herpetology, vertebrate paleontology, morphological evolution.
- Advisor: David Blackburn (opens in new tab) & Jonathan Bloch (opens in new tab)

Lazaro Willian Lopez Vinola
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office:
- Email: lvinolalopez@ufl.edu
- Interests:
- Advisor:
Justin Waletich
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: _
- Email: justin.waletich@ufl.edu
- Interests: _
- Advisor: Christine Schnitzler (opens in new tab)
Mitch Walters
Received Master of Science in Spring 2016
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Received Master of Science in Spring 2016
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: Florida Museum of Natural History
- Email: mjw246@ufl.edu
- Interests: Behavioral ecology, conservation biology, and ornithology
- Advisor: Scott Robinson (opens in new tab)
Manasee Weerathunga
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office:
- Email:
- Interests: As an early-stage graduate student, my research interests still spans across a very broad range. When starting off my career as a researcher I was enthusiastic of doing laboratory and field based research on animal physiology and climate resilience. Now my interests are more inclined towards dry lab based bioinformatics, involving evolutionary biology and computational phylogenomics of biological communities.
- Advisor: John (Gordon) Burleigh
Stephanie Wheeler
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: Florida Museum of Natural History
- Email: swheele2@ufl.edu
- Interests: Ornithology, ecology and conservation, which has lead me to my more specific interest in elevational migration
- Advisor: Scott Robinson (opens in new tab)
Jessica Whelpley
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience · St. Augustine, FL
- Email: jwhelpley@ufl.edu
- Interests: Evolution of marine invertebrates in the deep-sea, Genome Evolution, Computational Phylogenetics
- Advisor: Joseph Ryan (opens in new tab)
Elizabeth White
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: Soltis Lab
- Email: elizabethwhite1@ufl.edu
- Interests: Biogeography, conservation, drivers of endemism in the Southeastern United States
- Advisor: Doug Soltis (opens in new tab), Pam Soltis
Lauren Whitehurst
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: _
- Email: laurenwhitehurst@ufl.edu
- Interests: _
- Advisor: Doug Soltis (opens in new tab)
Sue Xu
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: The Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience
- Email: xu.q@ufl.edu
- Interests: Evolutionary developmental biology, stem cell and regeneration
- Advisor: Christine Schnitzler
Wenyi Zhou
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office: 305 Dickinson Hall
- Email: wenyi.zhou@ufl.edu
- Interests: Avian mixed-species flocks, tropical ecology, and ornithology.
- Advisor: Scott Robinson (opens in new tab)
Bethany Ann Zumwalde
Pronouns: she/her
Degree Program: Ph.D.
Degree Program: Ph.D.
- Office:
- Email: bzumwalde@ufl.edu
- Interests: Plant systematics, phylogenomics, population genetics and conservation
- Advisor: Lucas Majure (opens in new tab)