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Congratulations to this year’s student recipients of the MFT, Thesis, and Biology scholarships!

Biology Department

Spring 2020 MFT Award winners: 1st place: Matei Caeleap 2nd runner up: David Adelhelm 3rd runner ups: Kayli Sieber & Dawson Houghtaling Winners by Topic category: Cell Biology: Matei Caeleap Molecular Biology & Genetics: Matei Caeleap & Sarah Nestler Organismal Biology: David Adelhelm Population Biology, Evolution, and Ecology: Cullen Smith, Morgan LaMarc, & Rachel Lotze […]


Biology assistant professor Amanda Subalusky won the 2020 Hynes Award for New Investigators from the Society for Freshwater Science.  The Hynes Award recognizes the freshwater scientist who was senior author of an outstanding primary publication that appeared in print in the last three years.  The award-winning publication was her 2017 Proceedings of the National Academy […]

Biology Professor Coauthors Two Papers in Science on Forest Dynamics

Associate Professor Jeremy Lichstein coauthored two recent papers on forest dynamics in the journal Science. The first paper, titled “Demographic trade-offs predict tropical forest dynamics,” used data from a tropical forest in Panama and a computer simulation model to show that two ecological tradeoffs – one between growth and survivorship, and another between early reproduction […]

Biology Grad Student Receives Botanical Society Award

Biology graduate student Annika Smith (Ph.D. student in the Soltis Laboratory of Molecular Systematics & Evolutionary Genetics) has received the 2020 Kaplan Award from the Botanical Society of America.  The Donald R. Kaplan Award supports graduate student research in plant comparative morphology. This $10,000 prize will support Annika’s research entitled, “Vascular architecture and synorganization in […]

Biology Professor Receives Diversity Champion Award

Biology Assistant Professor Joe Ryan has been awarded the UF 2020 Graduate Education Diversity Champion Award. This award recognizes a faculty or staff member who has enhanced the graduate environment by promoting diversity and improving cross-cultural understanding and inclusivity. This commitment includes taking a leadership role in promoting diversity as Dr. Ryan has done in […]

Biology Grad Student Receives Prestigious Post-doc Award

Biology graduate student Leslie Kollar (McDaniel Lab) has been awarded a National Science Foundation Plant Genome Research Program Postdoctoral Fellowship.  She will be working in the Department of Plant Biology at Michigan State University to study the function and evolution of regulatory elements in the development of different, locally adapted populations of the yellow monkeyflower (Mimulus […]

Biology Faculty Aid Efforts to Fight Covid-19

Biology professor Ana Longo discussed One Health and research on the corona virus in a column for the Puerto Rican publication ENDI  Biology professors José Miguel Ponciano and Ana Longo co-authored an article for PlazaPublica on the corona virus pandemic in Guatemala:  “Covid19: Origen, tendencias actuales y escenarios para Guatemala”.  For more information see […]


Three Biology graduate students, Andre Naranjo (P. Soltis Lab), Jenna Moore (Paulay Lab) and Pat Milligan (Palmer Lab) have been awarded National Science Foundation grants to support their post-doctoral research.  Andre Naranjo received his award from the NSF Interdisciplinary Research Using Biological Collections Program to study spatial, functional and phylogenetic diversity of vascular plants in […]


A paper authored by Biology Department PhD student John Park  and coauthored by two UF faculty (Jeremy Lichstein, Biology; Stephanie Bohlman, School of Forest Resources and Conservation)  was selected as an “Editor’s Choice” by the journal Remote Sensing. The study used images acquired from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, or ‘drones’) and a machine-learning algorithm to […]


Biology courtesy faculty member and former graduate student Dr. Joseph Pfaller from the Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research has published new evidence that sea turtles are attracted to plastics by their smell.  Prior to this study it was assumed that sea turtles mistake plastics floating in the ocean for prey by using visual […]

Ponciano Lab Publishes Study on Anthrax

An important advance in understanding the population dynamics of infectious disease was published by Biology Associate Professor José Miguel Ponciano in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.   Using field collected data from Namibia on plains zebra and coalescence modeling, the study develops a new method for estimating the duration of anthrax infections and […]

Schnitzler and colleagues publish paper in Science demonstrating ancient, shared origin of germ cells between Cnidarians and humans.

Germ cells are the cells that create reproductive cells known as gametes (eggs and sperm) in animals. Somatic cells are all the cells not involved in reproduction, such as muscle cells, skin cells, or blood cells. In many animals, including flies, worms, and humans, the separation of germ cells from somatic cells is an irreversible, […]

International Awards in Biology

Each year the International Center and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences recognize the accomplishments of international students and faculty at the University of Florida. This year members of Biology received many of these special awards.  Tom Hladish, Ph.D.  won a Junior Faculty International Educator for the Year Award for his efforts in teaching […]

Congratulations to Aaron Sandoval!

Multiple award-winning Biology undergraduate Aaron Sandoval (CLAS scholarship, Goldwater scholarship) has now won a Marshall scholarship to study at the University of Cambridge for one year and King’s College London for a second year. This is only the second Marshall scholarship awarded to a UF student (the first was to Steven Robinette, ten years ago). Past Marshall scholars in […]

Emily Sessa receives new grant from NASA

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has awarded $1.2 million to Emily Sessa, who will lead a collaborative, multi-institution team in a study of the “fern spore spike”, a phenomenon in the fossil record in which fern spores are disproportionately highly represented relative to spores and pollen of other plant groups following mass extinction events. The […]

Fraser Lab Publishes Study on Dental Stem Cells

An important new paper describing the development of shark teeth has been published in Nature Scientific Reports by Biology Assistant Professor, Gareth Fraser.  One remarkable feature of shark teeth is that they are continually replaced whereas humans have only two sets of teeth.  Together with colleagues from the University of Sheffield, UK, Fraser found similarities […]

Biology grad students receive dissertation awards

Two Ph.D. students in Biology, Harrison Jones and Patrick Milligan, will receive Dissertation Fellowships during Spring 2020 funded by the Charles Vincent and Heidi Cole McLaughlin Endowment to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.  Both are Ph.D. students in Todd Palmer’s lab.  Patrick Milligan is studying how the plants and animals in a Kenyan […]

Graduate Student Chris Krieg Receives NSF Post-doctoral Fellowship

Christopher Krieg, a Ph.D. student in Emily Sessa’s lab, has been awarded a 2019 National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology.  The Fellowship will fund Chris’ post-doctoral research on the ecology and physiology of cycads, an ancient and primitive seed plant.  His research includes studies of the critically endangered South African cycad species.   The […]