- The course I need is full/closed. What should I do?
- What life science majors are available at UF?
- Why can’t I just be a premed major at UF?
- I’m a pre-veterinary student. What classes should I take?
- I want to be a zookeeper. Does that mean I should major in Zoology?
- Can I double major in biology, botany or zoology and another major?
- I already have a B.S. or B.A. in another field. Can I get a Bachelor’s degree in biology, botany, or zoology at UF?
- Can I get course credit for a summer internship?
- Can I test out of a course with an AP or IB exam?
Services Offered by the University of Florida
The course I want is full. What should I do?
There are some courses for which the current capacity is not sufficient to provide a seat for every student who wants to enroll in it. If you find yourself needing a closed course, we recommend that you do three things:
- Continue to try enrolling in the course through ISIS. Students drop courses in the weeks leading up to the beginning of the semester, and when that happens it’s first-come-first-served.
- Show up to the first course session and tell the instructor that you want to add the course. All registered students must attend the first course session, and those who do not may be automatically dropped. This opens up seats.
- If you are a Biology, Botany or Zoology major and you want to enroll in a closed section of PCB 3063, PCB 4043C, PCB 4723C or ZOO 3713C, complete a Closed Section Form (follow the Closed Section Form instructions on the Advising page).
What life science majors are available at UF?
There are many life science majors at the University of Florida offered through both The College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (opens in new tab) and The College of Agricultural & Life Sciences (opens in new tab).
Why can’t I just be a premed major at UF?
Preparing yourself for most medical schools requires general biology, chemistry through organic, and a year of physics. Other courses such as college English, biochemistry, some calculus and statistics are recommended but not always required. That’s not much of a major. Just about any major will be acceptable to medical schools, so their admissions committees look for students with strong academic credentials combined with attributes that promise to make an outstanding physician: curiosity, compassion, competence. But ask yourself, “What if I don’t get into medical school?” or “What if I change my mind about medicine as my chosen profession?” What then? You should choose a major that interests you and offers you both pleasure and the prospects for an interesting career. For more information about preparing for medical school, go to the Office of Health and Legal Professions (OHLPA) Pre-Health web site (opens in new tab).
I’m a pre-veterinary student. What classes should I take?
Pre-veterinary students who intend to apply to the UF Veterinary School (opens in new tab) can major in biology, zoology, and many other life sciences majors, but students must ensure that they take the required prerequisite courses. For example, to meet the UF Veterinary School admissions criteria, a zoology major curriculum should include the following minimum courses: PCB 3063, BCH 4024, or CHM 3218; MCB 3020/3020L; ANS 3006C and ANS 3440. Zoology majors should also consider ZOO 3713C (Functional Vertebrate Anatomy) and/or PCB 4723C (Physiology and Molecular Biology of Animals). Complete admissions requirements for UF and other veterinary schools can be found here (opens in new tab).
I want to be a zookeeper. Does that mean I should major in Zoology?
Click here for more information about becoming a Zookeeper (opens in new tab).
Can I double major in zoology and another major?
Yes, you can choose to major in more than one department or even college. Recent biology, botany, and zoology graduates have double-majored in history, philosophy, mathematics, anthropology, food science and human nutrition, and entomology. Completing a double major requires that you satisfy all of the requirements in each of the departments. However, many courses that are requirements for one major can satisfy requirements in the other at the same time, and in other cases the courses in one major may count as electives in the other. The catch is that at least 15 course credits cannot overlap or be double counted for both majors (this does not include Chemistry, Physics and Math courses).
Here are the criteria for applying to complete a double major program:
- You need to have at least 45 UF credit hours earned.
- You need have a minimum 3.0 UF GPA.
- You need to have term 5 Critical Tracking criteria earned for both majors.
If you meet the above criteria, you can complete a double major application, which can be picked from a receptionist at the front desk of the Academic Advising Center in Farrior Hall, first floor lobby.
I already have a B.S. or B.A. in another field. Can I get a Bachelor’s degree in biology, botany, or zoology at UF?
No. UF will not accept applications from those who have already earned a degree (except for students who apply to Nursing). As of this writing, the following state schools do not have a policy prohibiting second bachelor’s degree applications:
- University of North Florida (opens in new tab)
- University of Central Florida (opens in new tab)
- University of South Florida (opens in new tab)
If your goal is to attend graduate school in zoology or another biological science, it is important to bear in mind that your undergraduate degree does not necessarily need to be in the biological sciences in order for you to be accepted into a graduate program in the biological sciences.
Can I get course credit for a summer internship?
Typically, summer internships are not suitable for course credit because the experience is not an organized course that can be substituted for a UF course. However, if the internship involves participation in zoology research, then it may be appropriate for you to receive credit by enrolling in “Individual Study” (ZOO 4905). In that case, arrangements must be made well ahead of time between you, your internship research supervisor, and the Zoology Undergraduate Coordinator.
Can I test out of a course with an AP or IB exam?
Students who take AP or IB examinations in high school can get credit for some or all of the Integrated Principles of Biology coursework required for the Zoology major (BSC 2010/L and BSC 2011/L). The credit is assigned as follows:
- AP score of 5: You may receive credit for BSC 2010, BSC 2010L, BSC 2011 and BSC 2011L.
- IB score of 5 or higher: You may receive credit for BSC 2010 and BSC 2010L.
- AP score of 3 or 4 or IB score of 4: You may receive credit for BSC 2007 and BSC 2009L, but these are “non-majors” biology courses and do not count towards the Zoology major.
How do I know when I need academic help and how do I get it?
Obviously a poor performance in an exam or exercise will be a good indication. But, the time to get assistance in a course may be when you feel that you are not quite grasping the material. The earlier you recognize this the better. Utilize your instructors’ office hours. Take advantage of the tutoring and study skills help at the Broward Teaching Center (392-2010). Its free, takes little time, and may make the difference between passing and failing, or between an A and a B.