Spring 2016 Course Section Course Title / Syllabus Instructor(s) Biology of Sea Turtles BOT 6935,-Plant Biochem BOT3151C_Local Flora BOT6935-Plant Phys RG BOT6935ZOO6927-Bio_Nomenclature BOT6935ZOO6927-Phylogenomics BSC 2005 Spring 2016 syllabus BSC 2005-online-Biological Sciences for Non-Majors BSC 3402-Theory and Practice in the Biological Science BSC2005L_Syllabus BSC2010-Integrated Principles of Bio I BSC2010L_Syllabus BSC2011-Integrated Principles of Biology II BSC2011-Online-Integrated Principles of Biology II BSC2011L_Syllabus BSC2930 Phage BSC3911-Entering Research in Bio BSC3911-Entering Research in Biology BSC4936_Critical Analysis of Biological Research GlobalChangeBiology PBOT2800C - Plants in Human Affairs PCB 4674_syllabus_Spring2016 PCB 4723C Sheehy (2) PCB 6447C COMMUNITY ECOLOGY PCB-3063-Genetics-Syllabus PCB3063-GENETICS PCB3063-Genetics-Miyamoto PCB3601-Plant Ecology PCB3601C-Plant Ecology PCB3713-Cellular and Systems Physiology PCB4043C-General Ecology Plant_Geography_Syllabus Research in Phylo-phenomics Thinking in Art and Sciences ZOO 4926 Animal Behavior Syllabus Spring 2016 ZOO3713-Functional Vertebrate Anatomy ZOO4472-Avian Biology ZOO4926-6927 Applied Eco Infectious Diseases ZOO6927-Graduate Orientation Sem. ZOO6927-Integrated Principles 2 ZOO6927-Lillywhite Spr 2016