Fall 2016 Course Section Course Title / Syllabus Instructor(s) 2016 BSC 1920 FYI-Biology Dr. Harmon Biology Education Seminar BOT 2710 -Practical Plant Taxonomy BOT3151C-Local Flora BOT4935_Plant Anatomy_ BOT6935 and ZOO6927-Creative Science Comm BSC 2005-Biological Sciences for Non-Majors (online) BSC2005L_Syllabus BSC2010-(PHPB) BSC2010-Integrated Principles of Biology I BSC2010L_Syllabus BSC2011-Intergrated Principles of Bio 11 BSC2011L_Syllabus BSC2862-Global Change Ecology and Sustainability Molecular Syst BOT6935 and ZOO6927 PCB 4674-EVOLUTION (online) PCB3063-Genetics_Barbazuk pcb4043c-ecology-fall-2016 PCB4085-Genetical Ethics_F16 PCB4553 Pop-Genetics PCB4674-EVOLUTION PCB5338-PRINCIPLES OF ECOSYSTEM ECOLOGY PCB6685 Pop- Genetics Practical_Pedagogy for ZOO ZOO 4307- Vertebrate Biodiversity ZOO3603-Evolutionary Developmental Biology(online) Harfe ZOO3603C- evo devo 2016 ZOO4926 and 6927 CompBio-Rsrch Comp Skills ZOO4926 and 6927-Science Communication ZOO4926 and 6927-Statistical Principles for the Bio-Sci ZOO4926 and ZOO 6927-Biology of Snakes ZOO4926 and ZOO6927 CompBio-Python Skills ZOO4926 and ZOO6927 CompBio.Database Skills ZOO4926 and ZOO6927 Data and Analysis in Natural Sci ZOO4926-SPIDER BIOLOGY