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Christopher Baraloto
Principle Investigator – Courtesy Faculty
Principle Investigator – Courtesy Faculty
- Location: UMR Ecologie des Forêts de Guyane
- Phone: +594 594 32 92 91
- Email: chris.baraloto@ecofog.gf
- Interests: Community ecology and tropical forest conservation
- Website: Integrative Community Ecology and Tropical Forest Ecology (opens in new tab)
- Contact: If you would be interested in establishing collaborations with our group follow this link (opens in new tab) for contact info.
Michael Barfield
Courtesy Assistant Scientist
Courtesy Assistant Scientist
- Email: mjb01@ufl.edu
- Interests: Theoretical ecology
- Webpage: Michael Barfield (opens in new tab)
Mary Christman
Associate Professor – Courtesy Faculty
Associate Professor – Courtesy Faculty
- Office: 110 Bartram Hall
- Phone: (352) 371-4093
- Email: marycchristman@gmail.com
- Interests: Development and application of statistical methods for spatial modeling of community structure and species abundances
Doria Gordon
Courtesy Scientist
- Office: Remote
- Phone: 352-362-4845
- Email: dgordon@ufl.edu
- Interests: Conservation biology, restoration, and non-native invasive species prediction and management
- CV: Doria Gordon 2019.pdf (opens in new tab)
- Web Link: https://www.edf.org/people/doria-Gordon (opens in new tab)
Alexandra Gulick
Pronouns: she/her
Courtesy Faculty
- Office: 614 Carr Hall
- Email: alexandra_gulick@nps.gov
- UF Email: alexandra.gulick@ufl.edu
- Interests: Marine ecology, food-web interactions, sea turtle foraging ecology, green turtle grazing dynamics and foraging behavior in seagrass ecosystems.
- Web Link: Alexandra Gulick
Mary Hart
Courtesy Faculty
Courtesy Faculty
- Office: 316A Bartram Hall
- Phone: (352) 392-1180
- Email: mkhart@ufl.edu
- Interests: Behavioral ecology of mating systems, marine biology, fisheries conservation
Fatma Kaplan
Adjunct Lecturer – Courtesy Faculty
Adjunct Lecturer – Courtesy Faculty
- Office: 310A Bartram Hall
- Phone: (___) ___-____
- Email: fkaplan@ufl.edu
- Interests: Plant abiotic and biotic stress
Katherine Kirkman
Courtesy Faculty
Courtesy Faculty
- Location: Joseph W. Jones Research Center
- Phone: (229) 889-9537
- Email: kay.kirkman@jonesctr.org
- Interests: Vegetation dynamics in response to disturbance, restoration of species diversity of the native ground cover, and conservation biology of rare plant species
- Link: Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center (opens in new tab)
Kaoru Kitajima
Former UF Botany Professor
Former UF Botany Professor
- Research Interests: Plant functional ecology
- Current Position: Professor, Kyoto University
- Email: kitajima@ufl.edu
Vertigo Moody
Courtesy Faculty
Courtesy Faculty
- Location: UF Biology, Department of Natural Sciences, Santa Fe College
- Email: vmoody@ufl.edu ; vertigo.moody@sfcollege.edu
- Interests: Increasing participation of under-represented minorities in STEM majors.
Jeanne A. Mortimer (opens in new tab)
Courtesy Faculty
Courtesy Faculty
- Location: Republic of Seychelles
- Email: jeanne.a.mortimer@gmail.com
- Interests: Biology and conservation of turtles and their coastal and marine habitats in Seychelles and the wider Western Indian Ocean, with a focus on sea turtles, seagrass habitats, and giant tortoises.
- CV, Publications, & Reports: Jeanne A. Mortimer
Carolina Murcia
Courtesy Faculty
Courtesy Faculty
- Mailing Address:
Cra 2 A oeste #13-57
Cali, COLOMBIA - Email: carolinamurcia01@gmail.com
- Interests: Tropical ecological restoration and conservation. Transfer of science to policy and decision makers.
- Website: Organization for Tropical Studies (opens in new tab)
Joseph Pfaller
Pronouns: he/him
Courtesy Faculty
Pronouns: he/him
Courtesy Faculty
- Phone: (352) 283-5568
- Email: jpfaller@ufl.edu
- Interests: Sea turtle biology and conservation; population biology; science communication
Claudia Romero
Courtesy Faculty
Courtesy Faculty
- Office: 511 Bartram Hall
- Email: romero@ufl.edu
- Interests: Evolution and ecophysiology of plant defenses; conservation biology
Emily Sessa
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Courtesy Professor
Courtesy Professor
- Email: emilysessa@ufl.edu
- Interests: Plant systematics and evolution; ferns and lycophytes
- Website: The Sessa Lab (opens in new tab)
Jeffery Shima (opens in new tab)
Courtesy Faculty
Courtesy Faculty
- Location: 610 New Kirk Building
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand - Phone: +64 4 463 6494
- Email: Jeffrey.Shima@vuw.ac.nz
- Interests: Quantitative ecology
David Sparks
Adjunct Lecturer
Adjunct Lecturer
- Office: Bartram 610
- Phone:
- Email: david.sparks@ufl.edu
- Research Interests: Ichthyology, behavior, biomechanics, morphology, sensory systems, comparative biology, interactions between domains of knowledge
Robert Ulanowicz
Professor Emeritus of Theoretical Ecology – Courtesy Faculty
Professor Emeritus of Theoretical Ecology – Courtesy Faculty
- Office: 110 Bartram Hall
- Phone: (352) 378-7355
- Email: ulan@umces.edu
- Interests: I have spent my career on Chesapeake Bay creating quantitative methods to analyze networks of trophic transfers
- Webpage: Robert E. Ulanowicz (opens in new tab)
Gordon Ultsch
Courtesy Faculty
Courtesy Faculty
- Phone: (239) 283-7910
- Email: gultsch@bama.ua.edu
- Interests: Physiological ecology and comparative physiology.
Elizabeth Webb
- Office: 310 Carr Hall
- Email: webbe@ufl.edu
- Interests: Feedbacks between terrestrial ecosystems and global climate change
- Host: Jeremy Lichstein (opens in new tab)