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U.F. Faculty member, Walter Judd, coauthors Plant Systematics: A Phylogenetic Approach

A comprehensive introduction to vascular plant phylogeny, the Fourth Edition of Plant Systematics: A Phylogenetic Approach reflects changes in the circumscription and placement of several families in order to represent monophyletic groups, following the classification of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (and recent phylogenetic analyses). Appendices cover botanical nomenclature as well as field and herbarium methodology. The text is copiously illustrated, using in large part the informative analytical drawings developed as part of the Generic Flora of the Southeastern United States project. This textbook is appropriate for any course devoted to the systematics of angiosperms or vascular plants and, secondarily, for local flora courses. Key updates include: full integration of molecular systematics into Chapter 2, Methods and Principles of Biological Systematics, numerous revisions to the information on species concepts, extensively revised treatments of 13 families that have undergone significant changes in circumscriptions, along with the inclusion of ten additional families, and a greatly expanded online Photo Gallery of Vascular Plants, which includes over 9,700 photographs illustrating the  diagnostic characters and morphological diversity of each of the familial clades  covered in the textbook.  Authors include Walter S. Judd (University of Florida), Christopher S. Campbell (University of Maine), Elizabeth A. Kellogg (Danforth Plant Science Center), Peter F. Stevens (University of Missouri and Missouri Botanical Garden), and Michael J. Donoghue (Yale University).

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