PLEASE NOTE: It has come to our attention that COMCAST is actively blocking emails that originate from addresses as spam. If you try to subscribe to our listserv from a COMCAST email address you will likely never receive the emails we send out. This is not something you can change in your email settings as COMCAST is bouncing our emails at the server before they ever get to you. Use a different email address to successfully subscribe to the seminar listserv.
How do I subscribe to the Seminar listserv?
To subscribe to a list send an email to LISTSERV@LISTS.UFL.EDU from the email account that you wish to be subscribed. The subject line can be left blank then type the following command line into the body of the message using this format:
- subscribe listname <Full Name>
For Example:
- subscribe BIOSEMINAR-L <Jane Doe>
IMPORTANT: Only the command line text can be in the body of the message for it to work so please turn off any signature or inline images in your message or you may receive an error instead of a subscription.
The listserv then sends a message requesting a reply to verify the subscription process. Simply click the link in the message to confirm your subscription. Then the listserv sends a message stating you have been added to the list.
How do I unsubscribe from a listserv?
To unsubscribe from a list send an email to LISTSERV@LISTS.UFL.EDU from the account that is currently subscribed and type the following command line into the body of the message using this format. Notice, to unsubscribe you won’t need to include your name in the command:
- signoff listname
For Example:
- signoff BIOSEMINAR-L
IMPORTANT: The command line text must be in the body of the message, not the subject line. No other text can be in the body of the message besides the command line for it to work so please turn off any signature or inline images in your message to unsubscribe.
The listserv then sends a message requesting a reply to verify the subscription process. Simply click the link in the message to confirm your subscription. Then the listserv then sends a message stating you have been removed from the list.