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Plant Genomics

Session 3

Plant Genomics PCB4917 – 4 credits

The genomics revolution is changing nearly all aspects of biology, from how we understand our own history to the functioning of the ecosystems. Students in this class will learn about the entire processing of sequencing a genome, from preparing DNA samples to bioinformatic analyses. The course will focus on sequencing the genomes of two moss species. The mosses are easy to grow under sterile conditions, and they are haploid, making the bioinformatic analyses easier. The course will cover important laboratory techniques, like sterile tissue culture, DNA extraction, and preparation of samples for sequencing. The student will learn about the differences among genome sequencing and assembly approaches, how to assess the quality of a genome assembly, how to query large databases of genomic information, and about the variety of approaches to test hypotheses regarding the nature of genetic variation among individuals or species. Students will work in pairs to test a biological hypothesis of their choosing using the data that they have generated. The class will culminate in a poster session in which students present their work.

Instructor: Stuart McDaniel |213 Bartram Hall |

Format: TBD

Required Text: TBD

Expected costs: $30 for material and supplies

Class Meeting Time (while at UF): M,T,W,R,F | Period 5 – 6 (11:45 AM – 1:40 PM)


This course has a limited number of seats –apply today to ensure your spot! To apply click this link: here! (opens in new tab)

Applications are due Wednesday, December 4th at 11:59pm.