Emeritus Professor – Retired
- griffly3@yahoo.com
Research Interests
Bartramiaceae of North America. Bryology of the sandstone glades of the Southeastern United States. Taxonomy and floristics of bryophytes, especially of tropical floras, plant geography, ecology and phytosociology of Florida’s bryophytes.
Representative Publications
- Griffin, Dana III. 1998. Axillary hairs in Bartramia Section Strictidium. Evansia 15: 81-83.
- Griffin, Dana, III & Frankie Snow. 1998. Broxton Rocks Ecological Preserve: Bryophyte Refugium of South Georgia. Tipularia 13: 23-28.
- Seppelt, Rodney & Dana Griffin, III. 1997. Ditrichum (Musci, Ditrichaceae) in the Americas. 1. Ditrichum venezuelanum, a synonym of Ditrichum bogotense (Hampe) Broth. Bryologist 100(2): 212-216.
- 1995. Sillett, Stephen C., S. R. Gradstein and D. Griffin, III. Bryophyte Diversity of Ficus tree crowns from cloud forest and pasture in Costa Rica. Bryologist 98(2): 251-260.
- 1995. Churchill, S. P., D. Griffin, III and M. Lewis. Moss Diversity of the Tropical Andes. Biodiversity and Conservation of Neotropical Forests, ed. S. P. Churchill et al., pp. 1-12. The New York Botanical Garden.
- 1995. D. Griffin, III, R. C. Harris and W. R. Buck. The Bryophytes and Lichens of Rock Hill Preserve, Florida. Evansia 12(1): 31-39.
- 1994. D. Griffin, III, F. Snow and W. R. Buck. The Bryophytes of Georgia’s Sandstone Outcrops: I. The Broxton Rocks Ecological Preserve. Evansia 11(3): 83-87.
- 1994. D. Griffin, III. Prionodontaceae. In The Moss Flora of Mexico, pp. 696-701. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. No. 69 (vol. II).
- 1994. D. Griffin, III. Bartramiaceae, In The Moss Flora of Mexico, pp. 537-574. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. No. 69 (vol. I).
- 1993. D. Griffin, III and W. S. Judd. Hylocomium brevirostre new to Jamaica. Evansia 10(2): 45-46.
- 1992. D. Griffin, III. The distribution and synonymy of Breutelia microdonta (Mitt.) Broth. with additional notes on certain taxa of Breutelia. Trop. Bryol. 5: 55-59.
- 1991. D. Griffin, IIIl Philonotis buckii sp. nov. from Southern Mexico. The Bryol. 94(4): 216-219.
- 1990. D. Griffin, III. Floristics of the South American Paramo Moss Flora. Tropical Bryology 2: 127-132.
- 1990. D. Griffin, III. The use of axillary hairs in the taxonomy of two neotropical Bartramiaceae. J. Bryol. 16(1): 61-65.
- 1989. Griffin, D., III and W. R. Buck. Taxonomic & phylogenetic studies on the Bartramiaceae. Bryologist 92(3): 368-380.
- 1989. Gradstein, S. R., G. B. A. von Reenen, and D. Griffin, III. Species richness and origin of the bryophyte flora of the Colombian Andes. Acta Bot. Neerl. 38(4): 439-448. (senior author S.R. Gradstein).
- 1989. Griffin, D., III. Oreoweisia erosa (C. Muell.) Kindb. – an African- neotropical disjunct. Cryptogamie 10(2): 297-300.