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Exit Seminar: Daniel Paluh, “Macroevolutionary Patterns of Phenotypic Diversity Across the Frog Tree of Life”

Exit Seminar:  Daniel Paluh Title:  "Macroevolutionary Patterns of Phenotypic Diversity Across the Frog Tree of Life" Date:  November 12, 2021 Time:  10:00am-11:00am Place:  371 Dickinson Hall or Zoom (link below) Meeting ID: 938 7007 9328 Passcode: 285732 Host:  David Blackburn, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida (

Exit Seminar: Alexandra Hernandez, “Unraveling Ctenophorology and its Implications on Early Animal Evolution”

Exit Seminar:  Alexandra Hernandez Title:  "Unraveling Ctenophorology and its Implications on Early Animal Evolution" Date:  November 12, 2021 Time:  10:00am-11:00am Place:  Zoom ( Host:  Joseph Ryan, Whitney Laboratory for Marine Science, University of Florida (