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Congratulations to Walt Judd

Professor Walter S. Judd is the 2012 recipient of the José Cuatrecasas Medal for Excellence in Tropical Botany. This medal is presented annually to a botanist and scholar of international stature who has contributed significantly to advancing the field of tropical botany.

UF research on newly formed plants could lead to improved crop fertility

A new University of Florida study shows genomes of a recently formed plant species to be highly unstable, a phenomenon that may have far-reaching evolutionary consequences. Published online this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the study is the first to document chromosomal variation in natural populations of a recently formed […]

Associate Professor Ted Schuur receives 1 million dollar grant

Ted Schuur received a one million dollar grant from the Terrestrial Ecosystems Program, Department of Energy for a proposal entitled “Effects of Warming the Deep Soil And Permafrost on Ecosystem Carbon Balance in Alaskan Tundra: A Coupled Measurement and Modeling Approach”. This project is aimed at understanding the influence of the Arctic on the pace […]

Craig Osenberg receives NSF grant

Professor Craig Osenberg and his colleague Tom Frazer from the department of Fisheries and Aquatic Biology have received an NSF grant to study the interaction between vermitid snails and corals in French Polynesia on the island of Moorea. Vermitids are an unusual group of snails that live embedded in corals. They feed by casting a […]

Graduate student Oscar Tarazona receives HHMI fellowship

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) started a new fellowship program to support international graduate students. Oscar Tarazona is among the 48 students who have been awarded the fellowship from a pool of 385 applicants. Oscar, originally from Colombia, is a graduate student in the Martin Cohn Lab where he works on the evolution and development […]

Eminent Scholar Bob Holt receives Sewall Wright Award from the American Society of Naturalists

Congratulations to Bob Holt who has been named the 2011 recipient of Sewall Wright Award from the American Society of Naturalists. This award is presented to a senior active investigator who is making fundamental contributions of the Society’s goals, namely, promoting the conceptual unification of the biological sciences.

Graduate student Bret Pasch receives UF-HHMI Science for Life Graduate Student Award

Congratulations to Bret Pasch who is one of the six winners of the 2011 UF-HHMI Science for Life Graduate Student Award. These awards are given to graduate students who mentor an undergraduate researcher and co-author a paper with them. Bret Pasch mentored Andreas George. Together with Heather Hamelin, Louis Guillette Jr. and Steven Phelps, they […]

Biology Faculty Ted Schuur named a Leopold Leadership Fellow

Dr. Schuur is among the 20 mid-career academic environmental scientists named as Fellows this year. The group was selected through a highly competitive process on the basis of their exceptional scientific qualifications, demonstrated leadership ability, and strong interest in communicating science beyond traditional academic audiences. The Fellows will take part in intensive leadership and communications […]

Biology faculty Doug Levey wins Doctoral Dissertation Advising / Teaching Awards

This very distinguished honor recognizes Doug’s contributions in mentoring graduate students in the biology department, his directing the SPICE Program, and his leadership role in the I-Cubed program. Doug is dedicated to advising and mentoring students both in and outside of his research program. He advises students on how to get the most out of […]