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Mike Gil leads international study on coral reef degradation in high-tourism area of Mexico

Mike Gil, recent Ph.D. graduate in Biology, along with American and Mexican collaborators, just published a new study in this month’s issue of the journal Marine Biology. The team’s work centered on measuring the structure of coral reef communities over space and time within Akumal Bay, Mexico, a booming tourism hot spot, largely due to […]

Pedagogy and International Education

Zoology Ph.D. alumna Dr. Catalina Pimiento has published an article in the journal Evolution: Education and Outreach about her pedagogical innovations to promote international science literacy in a blended learning class taught in Panama. Catalina’s work included focusing on regional resources to make content relevant and authentic. Learn more about her work, which was just published in […]

UF Faculty Working on the Tree of Life

UF scientists Doug Soltis, Brian Drew, Ruchi Chaudhary, and Gordon Burleigh contributed to a multi-institutional effort to construct a tree of life describing the relationships among ~2.3 million species. The study appears this week online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. This research is part of the “Open Tree of Life”, a […]

UF Biology faculty, David Oppenheimer, coauthored Getting In: The Insider’s Guide to Finding the Perfect Undergraduate Research Experience with UF research scientist, Paris Grey.

Getting In was written for undergraduates in STEM who are considering undergraduate research as part of their curriculum. Getting In was written to help students start their search by first examining what they want from a research position, what is realistic to achieve with the commitment they are willing to make, gain a solid understanding […]

UF Biology faculty receive NSF grant to study moss-microbial symbiosis

UF Biology faculty Stuart McDaniel and José Miguel Ponciano (with scientists from Northern Arizona University and University of Colorado) were awarded an NSF Dimensions of Biodiversity grant to study the effect of moss diversity on nitrogen-fixing microbes in the Alaskan arctic. McDaniel, Ponciano and their colleagues plan to use the moss-microbe interactions to understand of […]

NSF-IUSE Grant Awarded

Congratulations to David Julian, Associate Professor of Biology who has landed an NSF IUSE “Development of a Simulation-Based Application for Teaching Human Physiology through Guided Discovery, Pure Discovery, and Authentic Research.” This is a two-year, $250k grant. Co-PI’s include Pavlo “Pasha” Antonenko in the College of Education here at UF, along with Matt Lineberry, an education […]

Empty Bench Syndrome

Paris Grey’s article, Empty Bench Syndrome, beautifully captures the bittersweet nature of academia in that our goal as educators is to make our students leave us. Her article made the front page of ASBMBToday (or, the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for the non-cognoscenti), which has a readership of approximately 32,000. Paris also […]

Congratulations to the winning team! Assistant Professor Emily Sessa and co-PIs awarded NSF Grant.

Dr. Emily Sessa and co-PI’s Dr. Gordon Burleigh, Dr. Stuart McDaniel, and Dr. Christine Davis have received notice that a proposal titled “Collaborative Research: Building a Comprehensive Evolutionary History of Flagellate Plants” ($2,321,452) has been recommended for funding through NSF’s Genealogy of Life (GoLife) program. Project abstract: For the first ~300 million years of plant life […]

Jack Ewel, Emeritus Faculty, elected as Honorary Fellow of the Association for Tropical Biology & Conservation

Joining the ranks of Theodosius Dobzhansky, George Gaylord Simpson, et al., Jack Ewel has been elected as an Honorary Fellow of ATBC! This is the highest honor conveyed by the society, and recognizes long, sustained service to tropical biology. Jack served as Director of the U.S. Forest Service’s Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, but has also […]

Creating Scientific Knowledge

In this invited “Soapbox Essay“, Eminent Scholar Robert D. Holt explains how we arrive at explanations for scientific phenomenon using climate change as an example. He uses a metaphor of “collecting colored eggs” to make his point about synthesizing strains of evidence. The journal liked the metaphor so much they called for a cover photograph— […]

Congratulations to Keith Choe, recipient of an NSF CAREER Award

Keith Choe, Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology has received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award for his project entitled “Using C. elegans to Understand how a Fundamental Cellular Stress Response is Integrated into a Tissue System at the Interface with the Environment and to Improve Education”. IOS (Division of integrative organismal systems), 15 May 2015-30 […]

UF researchers analyzed potential designs for the Sierra Leone Trial

Development of a safe, effective Ebola vaccine is an important goal for bringing the current epidemic under control and minimizing future outbreaks. Before a vaccine can be given to at-risk populations, however, it must be tested to determine whether it is safe and assess the level of protection it provides. Ebola vaccine trials are currently […]

Systematic Reviews of Forestry & Landscapes Management Workshop

Biology’s Jack Putz and Claudia Romero organized a Systematic Reviews of Forestry & Landscapes Management Workshop in collaboration with the Florida Climate Institute and the REDD+ Forest Policy & Economics Working Group. The workshop’s goals were to use a hands-on approach, participants will be guided through the stages of preparing a systematic review to support […]

Congratulations to Catalina Pimiento!

Please join me in congratulating Catalina Pimiento on winning an Online Education Excellence Award for her course BSC 2009L. The committee thought her class was particularly excellent with respect to engaging student learners. I’m particularly proud to see Biology’s tradition of teaching excellence continuing with our online efforts: last year Nicole Gerlach, this year Catalina! […]