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New research grant in Emily Sessa’s Lab

Assistant Professor Emily Sessa has been awarded a 3-year National Science Foundation grant to support her research on ferns, Understanding the effects of ploidal level on responses to global change in plants.  This research will examine how genome duplication (polyploidy) influences the responses of plants to changes in temperature and drought conditions. The research is […]

Nature paper from the Burleigh Lab

Jay McEntee, a post-doctoral fellow in Gordon Burleigh’s lab, published an important new study in Nature Ecology & Evolution. The paper, “Tempo and timing of ecological trait divergence in bird speciation,” examines the relationship between the rate of evolutionary change (whether pulsed or gradual) and the formation of new species. They found that evolutionary change […]

Biology Professor Smocovitis receives Mellon Grant

Biology Professor Betty Smocovitis is leading one of the four interdisciplinary groups that will conduct Research into Teaching sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and organized by the UF Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere.  The group will study how lessons from past inventions can inform current problems stemming from the accelerating […]

UF student earns Goldwater Scholarship

Congratulations to Aaron Sandoval, a biology major student who has been awarded a Goldwater Scholarship for the 2018-2019 academic year. Mr. Aaron Sandoval, a member of the UF Honors program has been conducting research at the Cancer and Genetics Institute under the mentorship of Dr. Malcom Maden.  His research focuses on using the African spiny […]

Dean’s Interdisciplinary Speaker Series 2018

“Paradise in the Natural Sciences, the Social Sciences, and the Humanities” PROFESSOR WILLIAM MARTIN Evolutionary Biologist and Professor at the Institute of Molecular Evolution, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf Talk and Panel Discussion “Life out of Paradise: Where Did We Ultimately Come From, and Why Do We Want to Know?” Monday, April 2, 5 – 6:30 p.m. Ustler […]

Biology Postdoc publishes Nature paper on forest response to climate change

Biology Postdoc Tao Zhang and Assistant Professor Jeremy Lichstein published a major paper in Nature on the response of forests to climate change. They examine changes in forest biomass using systematic forest inventories from the 1980s and 2000s across the eastern US, a period in which some regions became drier while others became wetter. They […]

Akito Kawahara Publishes A New Evolutionary Tree of Butterflies

Akito Kawahara next to the butterfly tree

Associate Professor of Biology and Curator Akito Kawahara and his colleagues have published the first comprehensive evolutionary tree of butterflies.  The team analyzed 352 genetic markers from 207 butterfly species representing all butterfly families and subfamilies and 98 percent of all butterfly tribes. The tree was also dated by calibrating it with the fossil record. […]

Davis wins CLAS Teacher of the Year award

Biology’s outstanding teacher scholars were recognized by three nominations for the CLAS Teacher of the Year competition. Drs. Brad Barbazuk, Keith Choe, and Christine Davis were all nominated, which in itself is a singular honor. Among this stiff competition (which also included excellent teachers from many other departments in CLAS), Dr. Davis was awarded a 2017-2018 […]

Jimmy Liao publishes on a new hydrodynamic principle in PNAS

Dr. James Liao, Associate Professor of Biology and UF Term Professor, has published an important new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  In collaboration with past post-doctoral students, colleagues and undergraduates in the REU program at the Whitney Marine Lab., Liao uses biomechanics, fluid dynamics and biomimetic models to study fish […]

David Oppenheimer’s Award Winning Video

Dr. David Oppenheimer’s video on protein movement has won a national BioArt Award from FASEB, the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. Dr. Oppenheimer’s video shows how, although protein structures are often shown as static images, in real life they twist and wiggle. Proteins and all other biological molecules are formed of individual atoms […]

Biology Professor publishes snail kite research in Nature

 Biology Professor Rebecca Kimball published a new paper in Nature Ecology & Evolution.  The study describes changes in the size of snail kites resulting from a recent change in their specialized diet.  Graduate student Christopher E. Cattau teamed up with faculty from the Departments of Biology, Wildlife Ecology, Entomology and the USGS Cooperative Fish and […]

Recent graduate wins prize for her research on Zika virus

Dr. Gabriela Blohm (Ph.D. 2017, supervised by José Miguel Ponciano) was recognized by the Venezuelan National Academy of Medicine for her work on Zika virus.  The prize is given each year by the José Gregorio Hernandez Foundation, which was founded in 1968 to honor the legacy of Dr. Hernandez, a Venezuelan physician who advocated for the […]

Biology Professor awarded the Archie F. Carr Medal

Dr. Karen Bjorndal, Distinguished Professor of Biology and Director of the Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research, has been awarded the 2017 Archie F. Carr Medal. “The medal honors others who, like Carr, have been nationally and internationally recognized for their contributions to an understanding of our natural heritage.” Recipients are chosen by a […]

New genus named in honor of Biology professor

Biology alumnus, Bruce Shockey (Ph.D. 1997), has named an extinct armadillo-like mammal Ronwolffia pacifica (Cingulata; Peltephilidae) in honor of Zoology Professor Emeritus Ron Wolff (1942-2009).   The Oligocene fossil was originally from Salla, Bolivia where Dr. Wolff conducted much of his field research.  Dr. Shockey’s tribute is “…to recognize his [Dr. Wolff’s] considerable service as undergraduate […]

Biology faculty publish on tropical forest management practices

Biology post-doc Ruslandi and faculty Claudia Romero and Jack Putz have an important new paper on tropical forest management practices (in press in Forest Policy and Economics).  They address the brewing debate over the costs and benefits of intensification of natural forest management in the tropics with solid timber, carbon, and financial data. Their paper […]