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Semester Faculty Assignment Reporting

The following courses have been assigned to you:
(This is exclusive of individual study section 6910, 6940, 2. 6971, 7979 and 7980.
You will receive those assignments after the close of registration.)

No. of Sections
Lower +
Upper +
Graduate I and II +
Graduate 3 (Health Ctr. only)
= Total

The above assignments are tentative. The department chair or responsible unit administrator will be free to modify these percentages during the term If the needs of the department change.

If the assignments are changed by 5% or more, this form will be modified, initialed and a copy will be given to the faculty member. Progress statements will be added after the semester is completed.

Percentage Assigned to Research by Project (Optional):
Project Numbers
Percent Assigned

If you need to save the form to continue it later, select the Save and Continue button below.

If you are finished, please click the Save and Continue button and input Brad's email,, on the next screen to finalize the form.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.