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New genus named in honor of Biology professor

Biology alumnus, Bruce Shockey (Ph.D. 1997), has named an extinct armadillo-like mammal Ronwolffia pacifica (Cingulata; Peltephilidae) in honor of Zoology Professor Emeritus Ron Wolff (1942-2009).   The Oligocene fossil was originally from Salla, Bolivia where Dr. Wolff conducted much of his field research.  Dr. Shockey’s tribute is “…to recognize his [Dr. Wolff’s] considerable service as undergraduate advisor at UF, and as a much belated note of gratitude from this present student for Dr. Wolff’s guidance as comparative anatomy instructor and as a thesis advisor.”   The drawing by Pierre Belon (1553) shows a cingulate.

To read further: Shockey, B.J. 2017.  New early diverging Cingulate (Xenarthra: Peltephilidae) from the Late Oligocene of Bolivia and considerations regarding the origin of crown Xenarthra.  Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History, 58(2):371–396.